Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Harder then I thought

It is barely lunch time in Austin TX and I already have had to change many negative thoughts in my head into positive thoughts. I guess I am making some progress in that I just thought the negative ideas and did not say all the ugly thoughts that were running rampant in my head. So I might have to take up one of Anne's ideas for how to stop the negativity by accessorising every outfit with a rubber band permanently attached to my wrist.

In high school and sometimes in college I would write NO on my left hand in permanent marker. I thought it would be a constant reminder that I was not suppose to eat lots of junk food and I thought that when I would go to reach for it I would notice the NO and put the food back. Surprisingly that worked really well, the problem came in that I had to explain to people why I had NO written on my hand. I was very embarrassed to admit that it was to keep me from eating so instead I would make up a lie about how it was to keep me from getting on facebook or something silly like that.

Writing things on your hands has actually become pretty common placed over the last few years, so who knows if anyone would ask me anymore why this is a NO on my hand. Taylor Swift is known for having the number 13 on her hand whenever she performs. Personally I find that a little weird, but then again who am I to judge?

So the positive project survives another day~!

Day 2:
-i woke up this morning to my ihome playing one of my favorite songs "Strawberry Swing" by coldplay. listen to it if you are not already familiar with it, because it will change your life.
-a cold rainy front has come into Austin and it is finally acceptable to wear sweaters again and that makes me very happy!
-this afternoon i have a coffee date at starbucks with one of my youth and that means i get to have a peppermint latte!

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