Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is there ever enough time in the day?

This is a question that I constantly ask myself. Is there ever enough time in the day for sleeping? Is there ever enough time in the day for getting the mountains of work done that you need to tackle? Is there ever enough time in the day for simply going on a long walk?

The answer is that there is NEVER enough timein the day to get everything done. So, how do you decide what take priority. Recently sleeping has not been high up on my list of priorities and because of that I am truly feeling exhausted today. I sometime dream of being able to crawl under my extra large desk at work and take a little cat nap. But unfortunately today that is not an option, because there is so much to do!

Don't you remember those days when you were young and you resisted your afternoon naps. Why did we not understand or realize that one day we would cherish those naps and grow to love them? Until the time I am able to once again take long afternoon naps (a.k.a. quiet with fan time) I will just wish I could be like these people.

and of course there must be a fan!

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