Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Computer New Start

Wow, where has the time gone? It is hard to believe that it has been six months since my last post. A lot of wonderful and exciting things have happened, and over the next couple of weeks I hope to share with you all some of the fun adventures I have been on.

Last weekend my computer had a sad sad death. It was five years old and was nearing the end of it's life. After a few panicked hours of wondering whether it would come back to life, and another handful of panicked phone calls to friends near and far which included a suggestion to submerge my computer in bags of rice, it became apparent that my computer needed to be replaced.

So here I am blogging from my brand new macbook pro!

This computer is really inspiring and amazing, and it is motivating me to get back to blogging. So WELCOME BACK! I am here to stay and can't wait to share all thoughts, inspirations, and ideas with you all.

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