Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The beginning of a new chapter in my life!

Yesterday I reached my sixth month mark of living in Austin, TX. When I moved here in August I really had no idea what I was in for. After the honeymoon period ended reality quickly set in that I am here in Austin working and living by myself.

"Keep Austin Weird" is the universal response or answer for anything in Austin. It is the first thing I learned. This liberal city sits in a very conservative state and it tries to preserve its liberalness by being all inclusive. So the weirder you are the more accepted you are in Austin. When getting dressed in the morning I no longer question if what I am wearing is appropriate because anything goes here in Austin. Workout pants, tee shirts, hoodies and slippers are the typical dress of most Austins.

But over these past six months I have learned a lot about myself and grown as an individual. I am trying to think more outside of the box and be more experimental. I will say that I could not of picked a better city to live in for being a vegetarian. Ever restaurant you go to has a vegetarian option including the local burger joint called P-Terrys. They have the best veggie burger around!

A new chapter in my life has begun and I am embracing it full force. There have been some bumps in the road, some minor set backs but I am learning to work through whatever life throws at me. I am excited to see where life takes me over the next 3 to 4 years as I discover who I am, and eventually answering the age old question: What do I want to do when I go up?

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