Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!

Today my parents are celebrating their birthday and I am sorta sad I am not there to be with them. Philip will have to hold down the fort for Ruth and I because neither of us are home in Virginia these days. Philip and I joined forces and decided to get Mom and Dad a delicious cake from all three kids for their birthday to show them how much we love and appreciate them!

Birthdays always make me reflect on my life as I realize that another year has past. Some times years run together and seem very monotonous, while other years stick out in your memory because something big or important happened. Of course when we reflect on our life we always have those "blunder" memories that pop up and make us cringe internally. I am the queen of those memories. When one flies into my head that I really do not want to remember I shake me head and grind my teeth. The thing is that we all have these moments, so I guess we should not be that embarrassed by them.

"You and I have pasts, families we come from, things we've done, mistakes we've made, and where we've been and what we've done has shaped us into who we are today. So we have to embrace our story, our history. You don't have to be proud of it, but you must claim it because it's yours." I came across this quote a few days ago and I feel like it is talking to me. So from today on I am going to accept what I have done, like breaking a wall sconce at the restaurant...a big whoops, and realize that no matter how embarrassing or exciting it is that it has shaped me into the individual I am today.

**** For all of you who are caught in some cold winter weather I am sending you some warm thoughts! If you get too cold and want to come and warm your little toes in the sun of Austin, my apartment door is always open to you!

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