Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Recently I have not been sleeping well, actually I have not really been sleeping at all. Lent has begun and things are very crazy in my life right now, but being busy is not always a bad thing.

Part of growing up is learning certain life lessons. These life lessons can at times be very painful and difficult, but that is part of maturing. This past week has been a particularly hard week for me. There are always bad and good days, and while the good days normally out number the bad this week they have not. But instead of dwelling on the past I am trying to let it go and move on with the future, which is always easier said then done.

When you enter into the real world after graduation you a young, naive individual who has suddenly been placed in a larger pool. Sometimes you have guidance and structure and other times you are left to fend for yourself. But these are the moments that give us character, right? These are the moments that shape who we are as individuals. Then why can they be so painful or difficult?

Things will get better because every cloud has a silver lining.

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