Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Sky of the Lonestar State

This past weekend Austin hosted the Love Marathon on Valentine's Day. Since I live downtown and my street was part of the course it made it a little difficult to get out of my apartment on Sunday. On Tuesday I participated in my own marathon, a driving marathon to be specific. In one day I drove to Houston and back, and while in Houston I had three meetings. My day started at 5am and ended at 6:30 when I arrived just in time for our pancake supper.

For those of you who have not made the wonderful 3+ hour drive from Austin to Houston then you might not be aware of the fact that there is NOTHING between these two cities. When I accepted my job here in ATX my impressions of TX were the result of childhood movies I had grown up with. One movie in particular, The Rookie, had a profound effect on my impression of TX. The movie depicted towns as having one stop light, one black of empty store fronts and tumble weeds are the only thing rolling down the street. While that is an extreme exaggeration of what a small town in TX, I do think I went through many of these towns during my long commute to and from Houston.

Not only did I witness "the real lonestar state" and see the heart of the people that live in it I got to watch the most beautiful sunset. With the help of my wonderful Iphone I was able to capture these pictures and I wanted to share them with you.

Come and see these beautiful blue skies that go on for days, and you too will feel like you have been transported into another world!


  1. when did you get an iphone? you are just too technologically savvy for your own good miss conkling.

  2. come and visit both of you! miss you all

    ps - the iphone was god sent. if i had a marriage i would say it saved my marriage, but i will just say it saved my life
