Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Olympics start TONIGHT!

The Winter Olympics begin tonight and I am so excited! I have some very fond memories of the Olympics in my childhood. I can remember in 1996 when the Olympics were in Atlanta Georgia. The Olympics were going on during my All Star Swim Meet and I would stay up late in the evening watching the girls gymnastics and swimmers compete. One morning during early morning practice I practically fell asleep in the pool. When my coach asked me why I was so tired I told her I was watching the Olympics! She told me to focus on getting more sleep and watching less Olympics. But really how could I do that when the girl gymnasts were going to win the gold and it all was hinging on Kerri Strug's final Vault. Then a few years later Salt Lake city hosted the winter Olympics and I remember watching the opening ceremonies. During the opening program a little boy ice skated around depicting he history of the Olympics. I can remember the broad casters saying how that little boy had been practicing for months for this moment and how he had to lie to all his friends about what he was doing in the afternoon. During the 2000 Olympics my brother, sister and I made up hand motions to depict Ian Thorpe and we went around for days "doing the Ian Thorpe". Two summers ago I, along with the rest of the world, watched Michael Phelps win seven gold metals. I can remember exactly where I was when he out touched another swimmer by one onehundreths of a second.

The Olympics have been an important part of my childhood. I have always looked forward to both the winter and summer Olympics and for these two weeks I am glued to the TV watching and loving every event. While I watch these world class Olympians perform on the world's largest stage from the comfort of my couch with a bowl of popcorn in my lap, I wonder what they are thinking. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be an Olympian? Have you ever wanted to be one? The lifestyle they live and the sacrifices they make must deter many from pursuing that course, but then think about how cool it would be to be in the Olympics. When I think about the girl gymnasts and girl figure skaters I see these amazing talented 16-18 year olds who's lives revolve around their sport. Their childhood was the complete opposite of mine.

I hope you enjoy the Olympics as much as I do. I had to clear off part of my DVR this afternoon to make sure I had enough space for the sporting events, I know I am a bit obsessed. Watch as much as you can and wish our team the best of luck!

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