Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It is all about the small things in life

I have been told recently that I need to focus on the small things in my life and celebrate those successes. So in taking that to heart I have been thinking about stuff that makes me happy, like drinking hot chocolate on cold winter days, snuggling up under my covers with a great book, having long phone conversations with the ones I love, and last but not least listening to my favorite instrumental music.

I have noticed recently that it is easy to let your spirit get low. People keep telling me that time is on my side, and that if I am patient everything will work out well. But why is it so hard to be patient? Personally I am a very impatient person, but I am trying to get better a little at a time. My newest mantra though is, "it is not me, it is them." I catch myself throughout the day saying that over and over again as I remind myself that I am not always responsible for how people feel. Honestly though that is very difficult to do because as humans we tend to take things personally as a reflection of who we are as individuals.

Today though I am celebrating the little things in my life, like the fact that I get to wear my sewanee sweats, my uggs, and a hoodie to work and no one cares. So while it is difficult I am trying to teach myself to look beyond individuals reactions, to understand their perspective and reasoning for why they are acting a certain way. For in some cases it really is not me, it is them.

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