Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Monday, March 1, 2010

Colorado Bound

I am off to Colorado for a mid week trip to see my family and do some skiing! I am very excited about this little break from my crazy life in Austin. This past weekend was really long, and honestly a total blur looking back at it. I was with middle school youth for a retreat and boy was it trouble. Between youth breaking their ankles and jumping in the lake at dusk, there were plans of boy girl late night meetings. I think the thing that I was most embarrassed about was the fact that these youth were so rude. It made me think back to when I was there year and I began to ask this question, "Did I really act that way?". I mean honestly they talked back to the adults like there was no tomorrow. Another interesting observation is that if I had had to guess how old they were I would of said they looked more like 18 then 12. Come on girls dress your age, not like sluts. Is this what our world is coming to?

Well I got to run I have to drive back to my apartment and finish packing all before my airport shuttle comes to pick me up. Maybe there will be some pictures from the slopes of Steamboat in the near future!

ps-Ruth you will be missed but Philip and I know you are having an amazing time in Austria! LOVES

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