Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am a major weeper

One of my favorite lines in the movie The Holiday is "I am a major weeper", especially because it is said in an english accent. I am not really sure what a major weeper is, but I can only assume that a major weeper cries a lot. Today I am a major weeper. I am having one of those days where I am just feeling very emotional about EVERYTHING. I am sure it has something to do with the amount of stress I am feeling from work and the fact that nothing I do seems to be right. I really hate that feeling when you try to do things right, but instead everything turns out wrong. I guess that is what people call trial by error. If there was a competition about trial by error then I think I would win.

There are somethings though that I can be thankful about. I am very lucky to have the boss I have, who really appreciates all the hard work I do; even if I mess up a lot. He told me that there had to be some type of learning curve to my nob and he is right. There is no way that I could of stepped into this job and immediately known everything there is to know about my position. So the mistakes I am making I simply account to "the learning curve". People keep telling me that you need to get one year under your belt, then everything will be a lot easier. I am sure they are right. Next year I will of done every single one of these programs at least once and I will know what to expect. But for now I am just taking it one step at a time. I am slowly making progress and improving, even though I constantly feel like I am sliding down a slippery slope.

For now I am going to keep fighting the good fight, something my english professor always told me while in college. He would say "Keep fighting the good fight Ms. Conkling." Ms. Conkling here is continuing to fight the good fight, even though I might shed a tear or two along the way. But lets be honest, I have always been a major weeper.

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