Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Thursday, March 11, 2010


It is a beautiful day in Austin TX and I can barely stand it that I am inside and not outside, but work calls. This morning when I got on line to check my facebook I noticed a particular post on my news feed that intrigued me. Someone has posted the newly released Eclipse movie trailer on a friends facebook page. After seeing this post I immediately turned to youtube to find the trailer for myself. Like always, youtube did not let me down. The first search that popped up was the newly released eclipse trailer, and boy was I excited!

I know what some of you are thinking. I don't like the twilight series and I can not believe that people talk about it so much. I must admit I used to be one of those people. I did not read the books, nor did I see the movies. This past thanksgiving I was home in Norfolk for a long holiday and I needed a book to read. I went to my sister's room and took the first book off her shelve and began reading it. I WAS HOOKED! It is not very good English or well written, but I must admit that the plot is very catchy and causes you to keep reading to find out what happens. After reading the first two books I went and saw the movies. But I think I was hooked the moment I opened the first book cover. Now I have become one of those individuals that I used to complain about, who is waiting on pins and needles for the next movie installment to be released.

Presently I am on the last book and so excited to see the ending, but at the same time sad to be at the end of the series.

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