Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Motivation: where have you gone?

I am feeling so very unmotivated recently. I know what stuff I need to do for work, but I just can not seem to do it until the wee hours of the morning. I attribute this problem to my four years at Sewanee. There were many long nights at Sewanee where I stayed up late into the early hours of the next day procrastinating. As my friend Emily would attest to, your best papers are begun at 4am and due at 8am. While those were long exhausting nights, they are some of the fondest memories of my college experience.

This mentality has unfortunately been a hold over from my college years that has followed me to Austin. I think that my lack of motivation stems from the fact that my job is a very flexible work environment. My boss gives me the freedom to set my own office hours, which causes me to be put off doing my work until late at night. The only problem with doing this is that is causes me to get into a weird nocturnal sleep pattern. I know eventually it will all sort it out, but as of now I am looking for my motivation mojo.

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