Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I thought I would never say this, but I actually miss being in school. I miss the smell of new textbooks, and freshly sharpened pencils. While I might not of been the best writer at Sewanee, but I really enjoyed writing papers. I think what I miss the most is being academically stimulated, and the way that your brain functions when you are learning new material.

One year ago today I walked out of the dupont library after having completed the writing section of my anthropology comp. While I still had my orals in two days, the hardest part was over. I can remember my advisor Dr. Murdock telling us a few days before comps to enjoy them. At the time I could hardly believe what she was saying, enjoy comps? How could you enjoy something that was going to make or break your life? That was determining whether you would graduate or not? She went on to clarify herself saying that when you walked out of your comps you would be the smartest you had ever been and no one could take that away from you.

Unlike many people, I actually enjoyed comps. I liked studying and seeing the end result. I liked making connections between the different classes and I loved when I finally grasped a concept I had been struggling with. Since I am no longer in school I am not longer being motivated academically. I no longer have to read a book and then show up to a lecture class to discuss that book. I am sure that many people have this same feeling and I guess that is why many people join a book club.

I don't think a book club is the answer to my lack of academic stimulation. Recently I have been thinking a lot about returning to school and receiving a masters in nursing. I realize that this would be a long process but I am actually beginning to look forward to this prospect. I would have to begin with taking a lot of pre recs at the local community college and then I would transfer into UT. I know that this is a pretty big and lofty goal, but even if I shoot for the moon and miss I will still land among the stars.

So I soon might be hitting the books once again!

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