Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Friday, March 12, 2010

It is Illegal!!!

It is illegal to text while driving in the state of Texas. But does that still apply to you when you are sitting at a red light? The reason I ask this is because today I was sitting at a red light about a block from my apartment with my windows down and the man in the car next to me yelled "it is illegal to text while driving!" My response to him was "i am sitting at a red light!" So I ask you - Does the law still apply?

The man was very nice to remind me that it was a $500 fine for breaking the law and that I should not be texting. I think that he does have a good point that it is not very safe while driving. Maybe we should all sign Oprah's pledge what we will neither text nor talk while driving. The man's words have been ringing in my ear all day and I am now trying to be a safer and more cautious drive.

I still find it hard to believe that a complete stranger yelled out of his car window at me while sitting at a red light about my texting.


  1. OMG I cannot believe this happened to you!!!!! Crazy crazy crazy!

  2. Hey Mary,

    I just found your blog. Not only do I strongly encourage you to quit cell phone usage while driving, I would ask that you take it a step further and encourage others to do the same. You hold a lot of influence within your community of teens through work, and I hope that you leverage it to the benefit of us all.

    Linked is a paper stemming from a study at the University of Utah detailing the dangers of cell phone usage while driving.
