Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bye Bye ZAX!

For the past few months I have been working two jobs. Since Thanksgiving I have been hostessing at this cute little restaurant off South Congress. I originally took this job because I had too much free time on my hands. All the free time was making me more sad and lonely, so I thought if I filled up all my free time it would make me happier. While that initially worked well, recently it has been back firing on me. These past few weeks have been very long weeks, 65+ hour weeks, and then wen you add another 20 hours at ZAX it begins to take a toll on your physical, mental and emotional strength. Saturday night was the final straw. I did not sleep at all Saturday night and I quickly realized I could not continue at this pace. I thought when I graduated from Sewanee I would no longer have to pull any all nighters, obviously I was wrong.

Tonight I told one of the owners of ZAX that I was going to finish out the shifts that had already been scheduled for me, but that I did not want to be put back on the schedule. Unfortunately I did not realize that another hostess has also decided to leave, so I feel a little guilty that within a few days of one another two of the three hostesses are leaving. I need to take care of my own personal health and that is a higher priority than what works best for ZAX. I think part of me though is sad that I am leaving ZAX. While it can be a really boring and stressful job at times, I do enjoy laughing and joking around with the other wait staff. It is really one of the only times during the day that I get to hangout with people my own age. My normal companions are high school students and they provide a different type of social atmosphere.

So farewell ZAX! I will miss you and your cheap meals, but I really need to make myself a priority. Having my evenings and weekends free again will mean that I can travel more and maybe try new things around Austin!


  1. you are SUCH a grown-up.

    so proud of you and your big-girl decisions!

  2. Mayhay! I think of you often at ZAX as I recount endless stories about Cracker Barrel. All the kitchen staff is mexican and they all speak to me and about me in spanish and i just nod my head and laugh because i have no idea what they are staying. thinking of you often! loves

  3. smart move, mar! take care of YOU.
