Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is this white percipitation falling from the sky?

Yes, you guessed it.....SNOW! Believe it or not yesterday it snowed all day and the city went crazy. You would of thought that we were preparing for the next world war by the way people here in Austin were reacting. Schools were all delayed in the morning, and then later in the day they were canceled. The accumulation in some parts was about 4 inches, just enough to shut down an entire city. I realize that this is nothing compared to the amount of snow that hit the east coast this winter. My friends who live especially in the North East have been buried under snow, and what Austin received is nothing in comparison to what they have accumulated.

I personally think that the most hilarious parts of our "winter storm" was how there was such a big hype built up around the fact that it was going to snow in Austin. As soon as the first flakes began to fall from the sky in the early morning everyone was getting on their phones and computers sending texts and emails to everyone they knew to announce that the snow had arrived. I personally spent the entire day in a long planning meeting so I did not get to participate in any snow day activities. It was nice though to curl up by the fire and have a large bowl of new england clam chowder for lunch. Moments like those remind me of fond memories I have from my childhood when all of Norfolk would be shut down for days on end because of snow.

Texas weather though is very unpredictable and ever changing. Sunday for example was such a beautiful day! It was almost 80 degrees and the sun was out shinning in full force. I tried to soak up as much vitamin d as I could. Then two days later the weather drops into the low 30s and it snows. Will I ever get us to this ever changing weather?

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