Keeping Austin Weird

an experience of self discovery in Austin TX

Monday, February 22, 2010 to love it!

There are somethings in the year that can always be expected. One such events comes in the dead of February, Lent. For the past few years I have not only been trying to give up something but I have also been trying to talk something on. This year I have given up sweets, but boy do I miss CHOCOLATE! I mean doesn't this look delicious.....

But unfortunately I will not be eating any chocolate cake for a while....or atleast until Easter.

But Lent is more then just giving up something. It is a time for self reflection and self evaluation. This can be hard at times, but it is also a good thing. So for now, chocolate is out of the question, but sodium is not! All I have to say is "Bring on the Salt". I am craving salt now more then ever.

Hope you all are making it through February smoothly. It was a wonderful 78 degrees yesturday here in TX. I do not think I have ever been in a place where it gets that warm in February before so I am soaking it in, literally absorbing all the vitamin D I can.

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